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Bulk Patches

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With rising costs and dwindling staff, it has become too costly to keep a larger supply of membership pins on hand for ourselves, as well as for other organizations. ABATE of Indiana is no longer able to supply larger quantities of pins to other SMRO’s. Below you will find out how you can order your membership supplies from us in small quantities or direct through the vendor.

Membership Patches: Place orders for your state membership patches directly through our vendor, Moritz Embroidery. Contact Jane Neiring at (800) 533-4183 ext 3345, jane.niering@moritzembroidery.com. Life Member patches are available on our website at store.abateonline.org, while supplies last.

Membership Pins:Smaller quantity pin orders can be placed on the ABATE of Indiana store at store.abateonline.org. Availability will be limited and available on a first-come, first-serve basis. These pins are available for those with a smaller membership base, who only need small quantities of pins. All larger organizations can place bulk orders directly through our vendor. Contact Jane Niering at (800) 533-4183 ext 3345, jane.niering@moritzembroidery.com. Membership pins may also be obtained through other SMRO’s. Our 50-year membership pin is specific to ABATE of Indiana and uses our logo in the design. This pin is not available for purchase or duplication by other SMRO's. Life Member pins are available on our website at store.abateonline.org, while supplies last.

Other Product:All other non-membership related product are available for purchase on our website at store.abateonline.org. Looking to have something customized for your state. Email products@abateonline.org to obtain vendor information, to place your order directly through the vendor.

Our current vendor that has all art on file and ready to take your orders: MORITZ EMBROIDERY WORKS (PIN & EMBROIDERY VENDOR) Sales, Jane Niering (800) 533-4183 ext 3345 jane.niering@moritzembroidery.com 21 N Courtland St, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301

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